ImechE Journals
18 online full-text IMech journals on the Mechanical Engineering and related fields are published by SAGE starting from 2010, as a result of long-term agreement signed between Institution of Mechanical Engineers and SAGE.
IOPScience extra
With its archival package dating back to 1867, IOPScience extra covers all IOP Publishing titles*. All content is available as full-text in this package covering the subject areas Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biophysics, Chemistry, Engineering, Environment, Mathematics and Medical Physics.
* Except for journals of American Astronomical Society
IOP eBooks
IOP ebooks is made up of two series Expanding Physics and Concise Physics including high-quality Physics books. This is the book resource of the sole physics community all around the world.
Expanding Physics publishes high-quality texts from leading voices across the research landscape on key areas in physics and related subject areas. Concise Physics, developed with Morgan & Claypool Publishers, focusses on shorter texts in rapidly advancing areas or topics where an introductory text is more appropriate. Together, the series serve the needs of the undergraduate students through to advanced students and field experts.
MSI Eureka
MSI Eureka is the world’s leading interactive database for high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams and related constitutional data, crystallography, thermodynamics, etc.
It monitors ongoing the world’s publications on inorganic materials and has identified literature for unary, binary, ternary, and more component systems, their phase diagrams and related properties, back to 1894.
It offers over 70.000 evaluated materials systems and 440.000 bibliographic entries on all inorganic materials ever published.
Pharmaceutical Substances
It is published by Thieme and is the most authoritative standart resource for chemistry and pharmaceutical sector for over 30 years. It offers access to more than 2,600 APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient), patents, and implementations.
Science of Synthesis
It is the principal reference resource in Organic Chemistry from Thieme. It is a continuation of Houben-Weyl chemistry database, which exists for more than 100 years.
Thieme Chemistry / Pharma Package
Thieme publishes 5 chemistry journals covering all fields of synthetic organic chemistry. All publications are peer-reviewed by experts in the field.
IUPAC Standards Online
IUPAC Standards Online is a database built from IUPAC’s standards and recommendations, extracted from the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC). The database is the only product that provides for the quick and easy search and retrieval of IUPAC’s standards and recommendations which until now have remained unsorted within the huge Pure and Applied Chemistry archive.
NANO Online
NANO Online offers a comprehensive coverage of the subject area nano science and technology. This database allows for easy access to research results from all disciplines active in this area – including physics, chemistry and materials science as well as engineering and medicine.
De Gruyter eJournals (Multidisciplinary)
De Gruyter has a diverse and high-quality journal program offering more than 900 journals covering all areas of scientific research. Our journal portfolio includes highly cited and authoritative journals that are published in collaboration with many of the world’s most influential scholarly and professional societies.
eJournals Archive: Going back to the early 19th century and spanning across 28 different subject fields, De Gruyter’s Journal Archive is a rich resource for each and every researcher. With the ability to trace developments in knowledge and opinions across decades, our Journal Archive enables academics to rediscover forgotten works, which can shed new light on modern research. Don’t let your library users miss such a valuable collection of research history!
JSTOR Archive Collections (Multidisciplinary)
The Archives Collections are multi-disciplinary and discipline-specific collections that include complete runs of journals. These collections span across more than 60 disciplines of academic content. These collections are designed to offer institutions the flexibility of choosing the materials that are most appropriate for their needs. It currently contains 15 Arts and Sciences collections, and some other discipline-specific collections such as Business, Mathematics and Statistics and Life Sciences.
JSTOR Current Journals (Multidisciplinary)
The 2017 collection includes more than 220 titles from 46 leading publishers, with 15 titles that are new to the 2017 program. Titles span more than 20 disciplines. For institutions with many archival journal collections, the Complete Collection provides seamless access to the full runs of journals from Volume 1 İssue 1 to the current issue on the JSTOR platform.
Oxford Journals Online (Multidisciplinary)
Oxford Journals publishes the highest quality journals representing respectable scholarly researches. It features 324 titles covering a wide range of subject areas. It provides access to the content dating back to 1996.
Cambridge Books Online (Multidisciplinary)
Cambridge Books Online offers predefined or bespoke collections of content within a richly functional, fully searchable online environment. It contains thousands of front & backlist titles within the subject collections of Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Medicine and Humanities.
De Gruyter eBooks (Multidisciplinary)
About 1,500 new books and 40,000 backlist titles are ready for you to explore. De Gruyter eBook programme offers an exclusive collection of eBooks from world’s most prestigious university presses – about 25,000 eBooks are available from Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Toronto and Pennsylvania and Yale University Presses. Our eBooks comes with flexible purchase options, unlimited simultaneous user access, no DRM and no platform/hosting fees.
University Press Scholarship Online (Multidisciplinary)
University Press Scholarship Online is a platform which offers 24,000+ titles available in 31 subject areas, from Oxford University Press, Yale University Press, Stanford University Press, MIT Press, Manchester University Press and 19 other leading university presses.
Oxford Scholarship Online (Multidisciplinary)
Oxford Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly-expanding research library providing quick and easy access to the full-text of over 13,000 academic works in 20 subject areas, covering the humanities, social sciences, medicine and law.
Books@JSTOR (Multidisciplinary)
Books at JSTOR offers ebooks from renowned scholarly publishers, integrated with journals and primary sources on JSTOR’s easy-to-use platform. It includes more than 50,000 e-books across 16 disciplines.
HS Talks: Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
The collection is comprised of more than 2,300 specially prepared, animated lectures by world leading experts, including Nobel Laureates and Lasker Award winners. The collection is highly prized for providing researchers easy access to the same experts that they would like to see present at an international conference or hear speak at a guest lecture and is particularly suitable for use in distance, blended, team learning and flipped classroom programmes. The collections are continuously expanded and updated and may be easily embedded in online learning environments such as Moodle and Blackboard.
Physical Review Journals
The collection, which includes 15 journals with high impact factors and leading the field of physics, includes important journals such as Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review and Reviews of Modern Physics. This collection has valuable data for academics and practitioners working in Physics.