Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
To clearly and unambiguously demonstrate EaZy Solutions’ zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption in all its business activities and relationships, and its approach to continuous improvement of a culture of integrity, transparency, openness and compliance.
The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy covers all employees, including the management of EaZy Solutions, and all business partners acting on behalf of the company and/or providing services.
Corruption is the misuse of the authority held by virtue of one’s position, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of gaining any kind of profit.
Bribery is when a person, directly or through intermediaries, provides benefits to himself/herself or to the party requesting it, or to another person due to this relationship, within the framework of an agreement with another person to act contrary to the requirements of his/her duty by providing, offering or promising benefits, demanding or accepting them, or mediating them, in order to do, have done, not do, speed up or slow down a job related to the performance of his/her duty.
EaZy Solutions informs its employees about the requirements related to the anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy.
Our Main Principles in line with our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy;
– To comply with anti-bribery laws and regulations applicable in all countries where it operates.
– To identify and assess anti-bribery risks, take necessary actions, set and review targets and provide a framework to achieve these targets.
– Prevent all forms of bribery, including facilitation payments.
– To ensure that Gifts, Hospitality, Donations, Sponsorship, Representation and similar activities do not create any perception of conflict of interest, provided that they are within the standards set out in our Code of Ethics.
Gifts, Hospitality, Representations and Similar Benefits: Acceptance of gifts and hospitality is determined and limited to prevent internal and external conflicts of interest. Gifts in cash or cash equivalents, which may create or be perceived to create an impression of irregularity, to influence a decision or to receive confidential information are not given or accepted. A gift, business hospitality or hospitality activity, which is of reasonable value and which is not continuous, is offered or accepted in good faith without causing a conflict of interest.
Conflicts of Interest : EaZy Solutions employees and all related parties within the scope of this policy must avoid any interest, whether or not measurable in money, that may or may not affect their ability to fulfil their duties impartially and in accordance with ethical rules, and any conflict of interest related to them or any elements that may be perceived as a conflict of interest.
Donations, Grants and Sponsorships : Political donations and charitable donations that could influence a decision in favour of EaZy Solutions or that could reasonably be perceived to do so are prohibited.
Charitable donations and sponsorships by the company must be made in accordance with company policies and applicable local laws.
Record Keeping :
EaZy Solutions. records and maintains all kinds of accounts, invoices and documents in a complete, transparent, accurate, fair and reliable manner in accordance with current legal regulations.
It takes the necessary measures and controls to ensure that accounting or other commercial records of any transaction and documents related to these records are not falsified and the facts are not distorted.
Notification of Violations :
Evaluation of suspicious situation notifications with confidentiality and trust is carried out by the Ethics Committee with the principles of impartiality and independence. Notifications are made to [email protected] or [email protected] e-mail addresses.