De Gruyter eBooks
About 1,500 new books and 40,000 backlist titles are ready for you to explore. De Gruyter eBook programme offers an exclusive collection of eBooks from world’s most prestigious university presses – about 25,000 eBooks are available from Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Toronto and Pennsylvania and Yale University Presses. Our eBooks comes with flexible purchase options, unlimited simultaneous user access, no DRM and no platform/hosting fees.
De Gruyter eBook Archive
In 2017 De Gruyter has taken the decision to digitize the entirety of its backlist all the way back to 1749. Comprising some 30,000 titles, De Gruyter’s archive is a testament to our rich 260-year history as well as an important basis for academic research.
IOP eBooks
IOP ebooks is made up of two series Expanding Physics and Concise Physics including high-quality Physics books. This is the book resource of the sole physics community all around the world.
Expanding Physics publishes high-quality texts from leading voices across the research landscape on key areas in physics and related subject areas. Concise Physics, developed with Morgan & Claypool Publishers, focusses on shorter texts in rapidly advancing
areas or topics where an introductory text is more appropriate. Together, the series serve the needs of the undergraduate students through to advanced students and field experts.
Books at JSTOR offers ebooks from renowned scholarly publishers, integrated with journals and primary sources on JSTOR’s easy-to-use platform. It includes more than 50,000 e-books across 16 disciplines.
University Press Scholarship Online
University Press Scholarship Online is a platform which offers 24,000+ titles available in 31 subject areas, from Oxford University Press, Yale University Press, Stanford University Press, MIT Press, Manchester University Press and 19 other leading university presses.
Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly-expanding research library providing quick and easy access to the full-text of over 13,000 academic works in 20 subject areas, covering the humanities, social sciences, medicine and law.
SAGE Knowledge
SAGE Knowledge is the ultimate social sciences digital library for students, researchers, and faculty. With more than 4,500 titles, it includes an expansive range of SAGE eBook and eReference content, including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and more.
SAGE Reference Handbook Collections offer more than 300 authoritative, award–winning, international, and interdisciplinary handbooks across the social sciences. These collections are hosted on SAGE Knowledge.
Thieme E-Book Library
The Thieme E-Book Library is an acclaimed online collection of lavishly illustrated full-color downloadable textbooks from Thieme’s renowned Color Atlases and Flexibook series. This comprehensive electronic library covers every course in the medical school curriculum to help students, researchers and clinicians master critical subjects in medicine and the life sciences.
Thieme Clinical Collections
This resource is the prime resource for essential clinical E-Books. The Collections contain an extensive assortment of E-Books carefully selected to provide the students, researchers, and clinicians at your institution with thorough coverage of all major medical fields.